Results for 'T. D. P.'

957 found
  1.  73
    The generality of Constructive Neutral Evolution.T. D. P. Brunet & W. Ford Doolittle - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (1-2):2.
    Constructive Neutral Evolution is an evolutionary mechanism that can explain much molecular inter-dependence and organismal complexity without assuming positive selection favoring such dependency or complexity, either directly or as a byproduct of adaptation. It differs from but complements other non-selective explanations for complexity, such as genetic drift and the Zero Force Evolutionary Law, by being ratchet-like in character. With CNE, purifying selection maintains dependencies or complexities that were neutrally evolved. Preliminary treatments use it to explain specific genetic and molecular structures (...)
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    Minds, Machines, and Molecules.T. D. P. Brunet & Marta Halina - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (1):221-241.
    Recent debates about the biological and evolutionary conditions for sentience have generated a renewed interest in fine-grained functionalism. According to one such account advanced by Peter Godfrey-Smith, sentience depends on the fine-grained activities characteristic of living organisms. Specifically, the scale, context and stochasticity of these fine-grained activities. One implication of this view is that contemporary artificial intelligence is a poor candidate for sentience. Insofar as current AI lacks the ability to engage in such living activities it will lack sentience, no (...)
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  3.  30
    Higher level constructive neutral evolution.T. D. P. Brunet - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (4):1-22.
    Constructive Neutral Evolution theory provides selectively neutral explanations of the origin and maintenance of biological complexity. This essay provides an analysis of CNE as an explanatory strategy defined by a tripartite set of conditions, and shows how this applies to cases of the evolution of complexity at higher-levels of the biological hierarchy. CNE was initially deployed to help explain a variety of complex molecular structures and processes, including spliceosomal splicing, trypansomal pan-editing, scrambled genes in ciliates, duplicate gene retention and fungal (...)
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    Reasoning Continuously: A Formal Construction of Continuous Proofs.T. D. P. Brunet & E. Fisher - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1145-1160.
    We begin with the idea that lines of reasoning are continuous mental processes and develop a notion of continuity in proof. This requires abstracting the notion of a proof as a set of sentences ordered by provability. We can then distinguish between discrete steps of a proof and possibly continuous stages, defining indexing functions to pick these out. Proof stages can be associated with the application of continuously variable rules, connecting continuity in lines of reasoning with continuously variable reasons. Some (...)
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    Michael Ruse. On Purpose. xv + 294 pp., notes, bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017. $27.95 . ISBN 9780691172460. [REVIEW]T. D. P. Brunet - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):580-581.
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    What are Extremophiles? A Philosophical Perspective.Carlos Mariscal & T. D. P. Brunet - 2020 - In Carlos Mariscal & Kelly C. Smith, Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 157-178.
    In the 1970s, R.D. MacElroy coined the term ‘extremophile’ to describe microorganisms that thrive under extreme conditions (MacElroy 1974). This hybrid word transliterates to ‘love of extremes’ and has been studied as a straightforward concept for the past 40 years. In this paper, we discuss several ways the term has been understood in the scientific literature, each of which has different consequences for the distribution and importance of extremophiles. They are, briefly, Human-Centric, at the Edge of life’s habitation of Morphospace, (...)
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    The coupling of taxonomy and function in microbiomes.S. Andrew Inkpen, Gavin M. Douglas, T. D. P. Brunet, Karl Leuschen, W. Ford Doolittle & Morgan G. I. Langille - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):1225-1243.
    Microbiologists are transitioning from the study and characterization of individual strains or species to the profiling of whole microbiomes and microbial ecology. Equipped with high-throughput methods for studying the taxonomic and functional characteristics of diverse samples, they are just beginning to encounter the conceptual, theoretical, and experimental problems of comparing taxonomy to function, and extracting useful measures from such comparisons. Although still unresolved, these problems are well studied in macro-ecology and are reiterated here as an historical precautionary for microbial ecologists. (...)
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  8. Phase Space Portraits of an Unresolved Gravitational Maxwell Demon.D. P. Sheehan, J. Glick, T. Duncan, J. A. Langton, M. J. Gagliardi & R. Tobe - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (3):441-462.
    In 1885, during initial discussions of J. C. Maxwell's celebrated thermodynamic demon, Whiting (1) observed that the demon-like velocity selection of molecules can occur in a gravitationally bound gas. Recently, a gravitational Maxwell demon has been proposed which makes use of this observation [D. P. Sheehan, J. Glick, and J. D. Means, Found. Phys. 30, 1227 (2000)]. Here we report on numerical simulations that detail its microscopic phase space structure. Results verify the previously hypothesized mechanism of its paradoxical behavior. This (...)
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  9. Experimental Test of a Thermodynamic Paradox.D. P. Sheehan, D. J. Mallin, J. T. Garamella & W. F. Sheehan - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (3):235-247.
    In 2000, a simple, foundational thermodynamic paradox was proposed: a sealed blackbody cavity contains a diatomic gas and a radiometer whose apposing vane surfaces dissociate and recombine the gas to different degrees (A $_{2} \rightleftharpoons $ 2A). As a result of differing desorption rates for A and A $_{2}$ , there arise between the vane faces permanent pressure and temperature differences, either of which can be harnessed to perform work, in apparent conflict with the second law of thermodynamics. Here we (...)
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  10. Time course of semantic and phonological interference effects in picture naming.D. P. Corina & T. W. Lostutter - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 746.
  11.  30
    Interpreting screw displacement apparent motion as a self-organizing process.T. D. Frank, A. Daffertshofer & P. J. Beek - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):668-669.
    Based on concepts of self-organization, we interpret apparent motion as the result of a so-called non-equilibrium phase transition of the perceptual system with the stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) acting as a control parameter. Accordingly, we predict a significantly increasing variance of the quality index of apparent motion close to critical SOAs. [Shepard].
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  12. Local Organising Committee.D. P. Gorsky, Yu L. Ershov, V. I. Kuptsov, V. A. Lektorsky, S. T. Melyukhin, Yu V. Sachkov, V. S. Stepin, I. S. Melyukhin, S. A. Nikolsky & S. I. Adyan - 1988 - Synthese 76:453-473.
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    Mobility of basal dislocations in zinc.D. P. Pope & T. Vbeeland - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (168):1163-1176.
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  14. The evolutionary and biological logic of human cooperation.T. Burnham & D. D. P. Johnson - 2005 - Analyse & Kritik 27:113-135.
  15.  29
    Truth and Expression. [REVIEW]T. D. P. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):541-542.
    What MacKinnon offers here is a provocative and original analysis of the meaning of the word "true." His applications are in the areas of statements in general, scientific theories, and theological propositions. One reason for the interest of the book can be found in MacKinnon’s intellectual odyssey. Setting out from a starting-point of standard neo-scholastic textbook philosophy and theology, MacKinnon has come to a highly personal synthesis to which he is willing at least tentatively to apply the label, "ontological pragmatism." (...)
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  16. New books. [REVIEW]T. D. Weldon, P. Nowell-Smith, A. H. Armstrong, B. A. Farrell, H. D. Lewis, P. L. Heath, Vincent Turner, Karl Britton & D. J. M.`Cracken - 1948 - Mind 57 (227):382-398.
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  17.  18
    Confirmation & Confirmability. [REVIEW]T. D. P. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (3):560-561.
    This introduction to the philosophy of science includes six chapters, each taking up a single problem—though the last four constitute something of a package: three attempts to establish Schlesinger’s criterion of confirmability, four applies it to non-confirmable sentences in such a way as to provide an alternative to the Wittgensteinian "received view" about the meaningless of self-referring sentences; in the process Schlesinger defends a version of neo-verificationism which, in five and six, he attempts to show is nontrivial by applying it (...)
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  18.  16
    Patterning of Time. [REVIEW]T. D. P. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):750-751.
    Since Doob rules out philosophical puzzles as to the nature of time, its absolute or relative character, or its universality and direction, etc., this masterful work will be of only limited interest to philosophers, even those who specialize in problems of space and time. Patterning of Time is, however, a fascinating study from the perspective of a psychologist or anthropologist. Doob, whose overwhelming knowledge has been gained as much from the library as from laboratory and field research, ranges over a (...)
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  19.  48
    Figure-ground contrast and binocular rivalry.L. T. Alexander & P. D. Bricker - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (6):452.
  20.  59
    Three pertinent issues in the modeling of brain activity: Nonlinearities, time scales, and neural underpinnings.A. Daffertshofer, T. D. Frank, C. E. Peper & P. J. Beek - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):400-401.
    A critical discussion is provided of three central assumptions underlying Nunez's approach to modeling cortical activity. A plea is made for neurophysiologically realistic models involving nonlinearities, multiple time scales, and stochasticity.
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  21.  27
    Neutron irradiation effects on dislocation damping in cold-worked aluminium.D. Gelli, T. Federighi & P. Pieragostini - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (82):1791-1794.
  22.  19
    Internal friction due to negative stiffness in the indium–thallium martensitic phase transformation.T. Jaglinski, P. Frascone, B. Moore, D. S. Stone & R. S. Lakes - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (27):4285-4303.
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  23.  33
    Environmental change, mutational load and the advantage of sexual reproduction.J. T. Manning & D. P. E. Dickson - 1986 - Acta Biotheoretica 35 (3):149-162.
    There is evidence that asexual reproduction has a long-term disadvantage when compared to sexual reproduction. This disadvantage is usually assumed to arise from the more efficient incorporation of advantageous mutations by sexual populations. We consider here the effect on asexual and sexual populations of changes in the fitness of harmful mutations. It is shown that the re-establishment of equilibrium following environmental change is generally faster in sexual populations, and that the mutational load experienced by the sexual population can be significantly (...)
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  24.  38
    Symposium: Science and Politics.R. Rhees, T. D. Weldon & P. Nowell Smith - 1949 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 23 (1):129-164.
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  25.  50
    Notes & Correspondence.René Taton, T. D. Phillips, Lynn Thorndike, Charles W. David, Claude K. Deischer & Harvey P. Hall - 1955 - Isis 46 (1):53-55.
  26.  35
    Holbach. PH T. Baron de. 226 Hook. S. 179. 181 Horiheimer. M.. 2.T. Adorno, L. Althusser, T. Amott, P. Anderson, P. V. Annenkov, G. Babeuf, F. Bacon, B. Barry, D. Bell & I. Berlin - 1984 - In Terence Ball & James Farr, After Marx. Cambridge University Press.
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  27.  82
    The impact of reporting magnetic resonance imaging incidental findings in the Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort.Rhian Touyz, Amy Subar, Ian Janssen, Bob Reid, Eldon Smith, Caroline Wong, Pierre Boyle, Jean Rouleau, F. Henriques, F. Marcotte, K. Bibeau, E. Larose, V. Thayalasuthan, A. Moody, F. Gao, S. Batool, C. Scott, S. E. Black, C. McCreary, E. Smith, M. Friedrich, K. Chan, J. Tu, H. Poiffaut, J. -C. Tardif, J. Hicks, D. Thompson, L. Parker, R. Miller, J. Lebel, H. Shah, D. Kelton, F. Ahmad, A. Dick, L. Reid, G. Paraga, S. Zafar, N. Konyer, R. de Souza, S. Anand, M. Noseworthy, G. Leung, A. Kripalani, R. Sekhon, A. Charlton, R. Frayne, V. de Jong, S. Lear, J. Leipsic, A. -S. Bourlaud, P. Poirier, E. Ramezani, K. Teo, D. Busseuil, S. Rangarajan, H. Whelan, J. Chu, N. Noisel, K. McDonald, N. Tusevljak, H. Truchon, D. Desai, Q. Ibrahim, K. Ramakrishnana, C. Ramasundarahettige, S. Bangdiwala, A. Casanova, L. Dyal, K. Schulze, M. Thomas, S. Nandakumar, B. -M. Knoppers, P. Broet, J. Vena, T. Dummer, P. Awadalla, Matthias G. Friedrich, Douglas S. Lee, Jean-Claude Tardif, Erika Kleiderman & Marcotte - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundIn the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) cohort, participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, heart, and abdomen, that generated incidental findings (IFs). The approach to managing these unexpected results remain a complex issue. Our objectives were to describe the CAHHM policy for the management of IFs, to understand the impact of disclosing IFs to healthy research participants, and to reflect on the ethical obligations of researchers in future MRI studies.MethodsBetween 2013 and 2019, 8252 participants (...)
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  28. Pozitivizm i nauka: Kritich. ocherk: [Sbornik stateĭ]/ AN SSSR, In-t istorii estestvoznanii︠a︡ i tekhniki.D. P. Gorskiĭ & Boris Semenovich Gri︠a︡znov (eds.) - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  29.  23
    Fitting Laguerre tessellation approximations to tomographic image data.A. Spettl, T. Brereton, Q. Duan, T. Werz, C. E. Krill, D. P. Kroese & V. Schmidt - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (2):166-189.
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  30.  58
    Decision-making in patients with advanced cancer compared with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.A. B. Astrow, J. R. Sood, M. T. Nolan, P. B. Terry, L. Clawson, J. Kub, M. Hughes & D. P. Sulmasy - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):664-668.
    Aim: Patients with advanced cancer need information about end-of-life treatment options in order to make informed decisions. Clinicians vary in the frequency with which they initiate these discussions.Patients and methods: As part of a long-term longitudinal study, patients with an expected 2-year survival of less than 50% who had advanced gastrointestinal or lung cancer or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis were interviewed. Each patient’s medical record was reviewed at enrollment and at 3 months for evidence of the discussion of patient wishes concerning (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Authors Index Volume 2.F. M. Akeroyd, D. Baird, T. Benfey, P. Duhem, R. B. King, J. Kovac, J. G. Mcevoy, J. Morrell, R. K. Nesbet & J. L. Ramsey - 2000 - Foundations of Chemistry 2 (265).
  32.  42
    Polarization of μ-mesons observed in a propane bubble chamber.Margaret H. Alston, W. H. Evans, T. D. N. Morgan, R. W. Newport, P. R. Williams & A. Kirk - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (21):1143-1146.
  33. Theory and decison.R. Amer, S. Bourdet-Loubère, I. Brocas, R. G. Brody, M. H. Broihanne, D. Cardona-Coll, H. W. Chesson, T. Clausing, P. Corcho & J. M. Coulter - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (376).
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    An analysis of phonon emission as controlled by the combined interaction with the acoustic and piezoelectric phonons in a degenerate III–V compound semiconductor using an approximated Fermi–Dirac distribution at low lattice temperatures.A. Basu, B. Das, T. R. Middya & D. P. Bhattacharya - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-16.
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  35. Index of Authors of Volume 11.P. Blackburn, A. Bochman, T. Clausing, P. Dekker, J. Engelfriet, D. M. Gabbay, F. Giunchiglia, J. M. Goñimenoyo, G. Jäger & T. M. V. Janssen - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (519):519.
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  36. 370 Carolyn Gratton.J. S. Conway, Creel Hg, F. M. Cross, O. Cullman, W. T. Debary, A. P. D'Entreves, John Dickinson & James Douglass - 1979 - Humanitas 59:369.
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  37.  18
    The influence of the surface on the phosphorescent state of benzene in doped rare-gas solids.S. S. Hasnain, P. Brint, T. D. S. Hamilton & I. H. Munro - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (3):629-641.
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    Analysis of the status of informed consent in medical research involving human subjects in public hospitals in Shanghai.W. Jianping, L. Li, D. Xue, Z. Tang, X. Jia, R. Wu, Y. Xi, T. Wang & P. Zhou - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):415-419.
    Objectives The objectives of the study are to understand the current practice of informed consent in medical research in public hospitals in Shanghai, and to share our views with other countries, especially developing countries. Methods In the study, 145 consent forms (CFs) of the selected research projects in eight public hospitals with ethics committees in Shanghai were audited, and the principle investigators (PIs) of these research projects and 40 student subjects who had participated in clinical drug tests were surveyed by (...)
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  39.  43
    Common to body and soul: philosophical approaches to explaining living behaviour.R. A. H. King, E. Hussey, R. Dilcher, D. O'Brien, T. Buchheim, P.-M. Morel, T. K. Johansen, R. W. Sharples, C. Rapp, C. Gill & R. J. Hankinson - unknown
    The volume presents essays on the philosophical explanation of the relationship between body and soul in antiquity from the Presocratics to Galen. The title of the volume alludes to a phrase found in Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus, referring to aspects of living behaviour involving both body and soul, and is a commonplace in ancient philosophy, dealt with in very different ways by different authors.
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    Chromosome bin map of expressed sequence tags in homoeologous group 1 of hexaploid wheat and homoeology with rice and arabidopsis.J. H. Peng, H. Zadeh, G. R. Lazo, J. P. Gustafson, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, M. Dilbirligi, D. Sandhu, K. S. Gill, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvorák, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, A. A. Mahmoud, Miftahudin, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & N. L. V. Lapitan - unknown
    A total of 944 expressed sequence tags generated 2212 EST loci mapped to homoeologous group 1 chromosomes in hexaploid wheat. EST deletion maps and the consensus map of group 1 chromosomes were constructed to show EST distribution. EST loci were unevenly distributed among chromosomes 1A, 1B, and ID with 660, 826, and 726, respectively. The number of EST loci was greater on the long arms than on the short arms for all three chromosomes. The distribution of ESTs along chromosome arms (...)
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  41.  38
    Atomistic studies of helium defect properties in bcc iron: Comparison of He–Fe potentials.D. M. Stewart, YuN Osetsky, R. E. Stoller, S. I. Golubov, T. Seletskaia & P. J. Kamenski - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8):935-944.
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  42. Perceived workload in cognitive vigilance tasks.J. S. Warm, W. N. Dember, W. T. Nelson, P. L. Grubb & D. R. Davies - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):485-485.
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  43.  27
    Unusual quasiparticle renormalizations from angle resolved photoemission on USb2.X. Yang, P. S. Riseborough, T. Durakiewicz, C. G. Olson, J. J. Joyce, E. D. Bauer, J. L. Sarrao, D. P. Moore, K. S. Graham, S. Elgazzar, P. M. Oppeneer, E. Guziewicz & M. T. Butterfield - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1893-1911.
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    Corrigenda.T. D. Goodell - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (02):71-.
    Philosophical Studies Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 163, l. 24 for ‘Pocreon’ read “Creon’ and p. 165, l.4 for “Nereus” read “Nessus”, l. 16 for “Corrolate” read “Correlate” and l. 27 for “ Trachinae ” read “ Trachiniae ”. Proffessor Mackinnon should also have been described as Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Corpus Christi College.
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  45. Mental logic and irrationality: We can put a man on the moon, so why can't we solve those logical reasoning problems.D. P. O'Brien - 1993 - In K. I. Manktelow & D. E. Over, Rationality: psychological and philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 110--135.
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  46.  19
    How Reason Almost Lost its Mind: The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality.P. Erickson, J. L. Klein, L. Daston, R. Lemov, T. Sturm & M. D. Gordin - 2013 - University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
  47. New books. [REVIEW]C. D. Broad, Richard Robinson, H. B. Acton, George E. Hughes, T. D. Weldon, Mario M. Rossi, A. C. Ewing, C. J. Holloway, J. P. Corbett, C. W. K. Mundle, W. B. Gallie, W. Mays, A. H. Armstrong, C. K. Grant & I. M. Cromble - 1949 - Mind 58 (229):101-130.
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  48.  69
    Proceedings from the IV Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (IV BRISPE): Goi'nia, Brasil. 17-18 November 2016. [REVIEW]A. S. C. Abreu, H. S. Selistre-de-Araujo, D. Guilhem, M. R. C. G. Novaes, N. R. A. Silva, M. Palácios, P. G. Camacho, M. Russo, A. Abreu, S. Cruz-Riascos, L. V. R. Rezende, A. C. Quintela, J. Leta, E. Damasio, H. H. Caiaffa Filho, R. M. Catarino, A. A. B. Almodóvar, A. P. Vicentini, B. C. Machado, M. M. Sorenson, J. R. Lapa E. Silva, A. Palma, R. M. V. R. Almeida, E. H. Watanabe, D. Foguel, S. M. R. Vasconcelos, C. A. Guimarães, A. Schtscherbyna, J. C. Amaral, H. G. Falcão, F. R. Mota, S. C. Bourguignon, R. Kant de Lima, S. Liskauskas, M. C. Cassimiro, J. Araújo, A. S. Carvalho, M. Patrão Neves, F. M. Litto, M. D. P. Silva, L. S. Gracioso, A. C. Furnival, P. M. Lourenço, V. Ronchi, M. M. M. Machado, R. Amaral, M. D. Ribeiro, R. Neves, V. C. Garbocci, M. Fontes-Domingues, P. Biancovilli, R. T. Souza, P. V. S. Souza, D. C. Machado, C. C. Santos, A. M. Gollner, H. S. Pinheiro, G. A. Fófano, A. A. P. Santa Rosa, C. H. Debenedito Silva, A. M. M. Soares, M. M. P. Diós-Borges, E. Duarte & Gar - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (Suppl 1).
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    Development of an expressed sequence tag resource for wheat : EST generation, unigene analysis, probe selection and bioinformatics for a 16,000-locus bin-delineated map. [REVIEW]G. R. Lazo, S. Chao, D. D. Hummel, H. Edwards, C. C. Crossman, N. Lui, D. E. Matthews, V. L. Carollo, D. L. Hane, F. M. You, G. E. Butler, R. E. Miller, T. J. Close, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, J. P. Gustafson, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, M. Dilbirligi, H. S. Randhawa, K. S. Gill, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, A. A. Mahmoud, Miftahudin, X. -F. Ma, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & O. D. Anderson - unknown
    This report describes the rationale, approaches, organization, and resource development leading to a large-scale deletion bin map of the hexaploid wheat genome. Accompanying reports in this issue detail results from chromosome bin-mapping of expressed sequence tags representing genes onto the seven homoeologous chromosome groups and a global analysis of the entire mapped wheat EST data set. Among the resources developed were the first extensive public wheat EST collection. Described are protocols for sequencing, sequence processing, EST nomenclature, and the assembly of (...)
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  50. New books. [REVIEW]H. H. Price, David Pears, William Kneale, Max Black, A. F. Peters, George E. Hughes, Margaret Macdonald, G. J. Warnock, T. D. Weldon, R. F. Holland, H. D. Lewis, Antony Flew, W. G. Maclagan, J. Harrison, Richard Wollheim, P. L. Heath, Donald Nicholl, Patrick Gardiner & Ernest Gellner - 1951 - Mind 60 (240):550-583.
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